Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back to Gainesville, 50 pounds lighter

Our missing bag was not waiting for us in Orlando. Wito met us in the airport and helped us get our bags. We waited at the carousel for the last bag till it was obviously not coming. Cristina filled out the missing bag claim while Wito got the van.

746853. The missing bag.

Wito drove us home because I needed to get some sleep so I could go to work. I had trouble falling asleep though and lightly dozed for maybe 15 minutes.

At home, we unloaded the van, got the kids in bed, and headed there ourselves. I think I finally went to sleep around 4 am. My alarm was set for 7:30.

It was weird being in my bed. As I got ready for work, the house felt strange. Like it wasn't ours anymore. Our suitcases littered the living room, vestiges of our travels. I headed to GHS where a breakfast would hopefully have enough coffee to keep me alive throughout the day.

No coffee at the breakfast.

By the time I got to my classroom with some quiet alone time, I just sat. I stared at my classroom, sparkling clean, everything still packed away. I had missed the first two days of pre-planning, so I needed to get my room ready, but I felt brain dead. I checked my email, but mostly just stared blankly at the screen. Or at the room. My brain was not into this teaching thing. My heart was still in Europe.

I was in such a fog of lack of sleep and adjustment back to normal routine that I barely remember talking to anyone. A few colleagues asked me about my travels, and I guess I gave them some kind of response. Not sure.

I called Cristina and told her how overwhelmed I was with my classroom. So Cristina brought the kids by and we all chipped in and moved furniture, got my computer set up, and arranged the tables and chairs. Team Eury still going strong!

Cristina called Delta to check on our missing bag. No luck. They said most bags are found within a day or two, and then it will be delivered to our house.

I thought the first meal I'd eat back in the States was going to be a burger, and Loosey's has discounted burgers on Wednesdays, but Jarue invited us over to her place for dinner, so that's what we did. Afterwards, we went home and I got a much-needed somewhat-normal night of sleep.

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