Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sleeping with update

Last night, Bella ran a fever. I had a headache, so I got ready for bed with the kids, intending to fall asleep with Bella. We went to bed early, about 6:15. As we snuggled into the covers, Cash joined us as he often does. First he crawled up in between Bella and me. Then he stepped up on to my chest and curled up. And then finally he stepped down and curled up on Bella. As he was doing that, I whispered to Bella, "Cash is lying on you!" And she whispered back, "I know! It must be because I'm almost 5 and a half. Right, Papa?"

Thanks, Cash. You rock.


Elena said...

Very much a rock moment!

Aunt Bonnie said...

Isn't it funny how our animals can tell what we need...
love ya Bella,
Aunt Bonnie

Fran said...

oooooooh, how sweet. Bella will love our kitties, too, as they are warm and loving with sweet dispositions just like Cash and Ling Ling.

Lynn said...

That cat was going for the FEVER! But nobody needs to know that. Bella finally got her wish, huh?