Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sofia's Piano Recital

Sofia had a piano recital today at school. Luckily Cristina was able to get off of work so she could be there (and tape it!). The name of the piece is The Great Smoky Mountains by David Carr Glover. I rarely hear Sofia practice piano at home anymore, so I was amazed at how accomplished she sounds! Guess she's getting enough practice in school every day and at her weekly private lesson (which she partially "pays" for by babysitting the piano teacher's children every week).


Dawn Oh said...

Go Sofie! Wayne thanks for posting, Anela, Kean and I sat around listening and enjoying!! Just lovely...

Fran said...

A definite WOW!!!! Loved it. Such a proud Grandmother I am. :)

bonnie said...

wow, wow, and double wow...she is amazing, she has such good poise and beauiful..keep up the good work...

Lynn said...

I so enjoyed that! I am proud of her diligence in practicing. I am actually proud of all my nieces and nephews' accomplishments!

Bob and Danya said...

That was fantastic! I knew you could do it! I'm so very proud of you!