Monday, December 7, 2009

The Perceptive Soul

Bella loves to sing. She goes to a school where singing is a part of the normal day, so it's no surprise that she often breaks out in song. Yesterday, we were returning home after shopping at Costco. Sitting at a red light, Bella started singing away in the back seat. I didn't think much of it, but then I listened to the words and a thought struck me. The particular traffic light we were stopped at was at the I-10 overpass and Baseline Road. Almost always, a homeless person stands at that corner, asking for help. We never give money to panhandlers, but sometimes we give them food. For example, there have been times when I picked up a pizza from Costco, and stuck a slice on a paper plate to give to the person standing there at that corner. Alex and I once saved a taco for the guy there after we got a bite to eat while running errands. If we have any fruit in the car, we'll slip the person an apple or a banana, or a bag of carrots. Whatever we have handy. Anyway, Bella wasn't consciously aware of where we were stopped. And no homeless person stood there that day. Fascinating, then, that this is the song she started singing:
There was a man who wandered Into the cold dark night. He had no cloak, no shoes, no bread Indeed, he had no light. O come, dear man, here's some bread for you It will keep you warm on this cold dark night.
Waldorf-people often refer to the Waldorf curriculum connecting to the child's soul. And I've kind of believed it. But kind of in the same way I believe a statement like "this school prepares students for college." Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But Bella's little song, spontaneously erupting at a location where someone needy has received help from us on many occasions, definitely gave me pause. And a few chill bumps too. By God, there might be something to this Waldorf thing after all! Cristina wasn't surprised when I told her about it. It made perfect sense to her. However, the song is from Michaelmas, which was back in September. So it's not even a song that she's been singing lately in school. Kind of freaky! I'm ashamed to admit it, because people who drive distracted with their cell phones are a pet peeve of mine, but I used my phone while driving to capture her song before she stopped singing it. The quality is very poor, but I just had to document it and my phone was all I had.


Fran said...

Priceless! no matter how rough the recording sounded...

Malone said...

Weird wild stuff

Lynn said...

I say there are no (really not many) coincidences. There is something to connection and spirit that we cannot perceive that is there and sometimes it makes itself manifest in ways such as that. Hunter tends to disagree with me, though. He says it is more like when you buy a new car and all of a sudden you notice how many cars like yours are on the road all of a sudden. Yes, that is true sometimes, but other times it is something altogether different.

Bonnie said...

Lola loves to sing too. She sings out of the blue and makes up songs to sing. I just love it. my guys were never into singing....It just warms my heart to hear it.