Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double Feature on the Cheap

My self-imposed goal is to clean one room each day until I leave. Today's assignment was Sofia's room, which was probably the easiest. So after work I stripped her bed, washed the sheets, dusted off her ceiling fan and vacuumed the floor. I was going to shampoo the carpet, but I realized I had left dirty water in the shampooer, so I've got it soaking in a tub of water to loosen up the dried sand and grit. I'll get it all spic-and-span before I shampoo the carpets.

I decided to treat myself to a double feature tonight. I have an educator's pass for the IMAX theater closest to our house. This means I can get into any IMAX movie for free. But I rarely use it because 1) they don't always have the most appealing choices there (usually it's the nature-themed, made-for-IMAX films, and 2) I don't usually go to the movies by myself. Normally, using my pass would mean someone else would have to pay the overpriced IMAX admission. And it's 11 bucks for an adult. Ouch. There's too many things I want to see int he regular theater to burn a trip tot he movies on Under the Sea 3-D.

But sometimes when I'm home alone, I'll break out the old educator's pass and go watch something just because I can. And it's free. So at 7 tonight, I'm going to see Monsters vs. Aliens 3-D. I'd wanted to take the kids to see this, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. So I'll be previewing it for them. Alex will be so jealous.

Then, I'm going to walk over to the Harkins Multiplex (it's right beside the IMAX theater) and see Drag Me to Hell. I love a good horror movie, but I rarely watch them these days because no one I watch movies with likes horror movies. Least of all my wife. And I don't think my friend Peter cares for them either. I've heard good things about this one. And it's Sam Raimi. And he's been itching to get back to his horror roots after making three Spiderman movies, so I expect a lot of pent-up horror filmmaking to come exploding out on the screen.

I'll have to pay for this one, but I'll wear my Harkins t-shirt and get free popcorn. And I'll take my Harkins cup and get a $1 refill. So total cost for the evening's double feature, including popcorn, and soda...$8. That's what I call a cheap date.


Fran said...

You are too funny. Did you know your dad likes horror movies? Maybe he could cruse out there and go to a few with you? Ha! Now I am too funny.
Your house plans sound great. When you get done would you stop by here and do ours. We'll leave town so you can do it as slow as you like..... :)

Lynn said...

I did a double feature last night myself. Rented 2 movies from Redbox (ain't that the coolest idea since netflix?)and watched them back to back. One was "Though None Go with Me" starring Cheryl Ladd by the author of the Left Behind Series (or the director) and the other was a comedy with Renee Zelwegger and Harry Connick Jr. and I actually laughed out loud in a couple of places, which is unusual for me when watching movies. It was called "New In Town" recommended by Bonnie. So it was a night for double features. Hey, I was alone and you were alone! Too bad we don't live in the same town.....we could have done our movies together....oh yeah that would have messed up the IMAX deal....oh well.

Malone said...

Only in America can you wear a t-shirt and get free popcorn...I love it.

Dejahmi by Beth Respess said...

we go to double features occaisionally, but use less ethical methods (i.e. sneaking into the second movie across the hall for free - don't tell nobody!)