Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Camera

I missed posting yesterday and Cristina is having blog withdrawal. So I'd better get on the ball. Two things: I bought a new camera. It's just another little Sony point-and-shoot. But ours is getting old and it was time to get a new one and pass ours down to Sofia. So far so good with the new camera, though I wish it had a regular USB out instead of the goofy proprietary Sony cable. The other thing is I've been doing some spring cleaning (hey, it was still technically spring until Sunday). So for lack of anything better, I'll post a few pictures, taken with our new camera, showing some of the cleaned/organized rooms so far. Oh yeah, and my new motorcycle license plate.

Alex and Bella's room. This corner was a real mess, but now it's actually reasonable.

Granted, their closet still looks like a mess, but it's actually organized. The main thing I'm showing in this one is where I moved the Star Wars toys to.

The top of Alex's chest of drawers. It was covered with all kinds of little bits of junk and treasure, and that framed photo thing was just sitting on the top amongst all the clutter. When Alex said he wanted his new goldfish bowl to be on his dresser, I told him it would have to be cleaned off. And now it is. (No fish yet...he'll buy one when we get home).

The loft, with refinished sewing machine table:

Closer shot. This section of the loft was really bad too. It still doesn't look great, but if you had seen it before, you'd think it looked really nice now.

New tag.


Fran said...

Now that is a cool tag, Tag!!

Fran said...

Oh, and the house looks great! You done good....