Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to work

Tuesday. I'm back at work. I got almost everything done on my list over the weekend (didn't get to the mail baskets) and even got something that wasn't on my list: a cold. I must have gotten it from Mary's blog. That's what happens when you don't wash your hands after reading someone else's blog.

Oh, I thought of 2 more things that needed to be on my list: wash the dog and cut my hair. The dog got washed, but my hair didn't get cut. Hey, that's till 10 things done from a list of 12. Not bad.

By the way, the Gators won 56 to 10, I got 4 new books for my classroom library, the Turkish food was good, but not as good as last time, and Hamlet 2 was funny. And I did get popcorn and Coke, even after the all-you-can-eat Turkish food. Sometimes you just gotta say "why not."

We got the twin bed out of our room yesterday (that should have been on my list too!) and Bella seemed fine with the idea of now permanently sharing a room with Alex. Although she still came into our bed at 2 am...complaining of hunger! Good thing we keep a supply of cereal by our bed.

I didn't sleep well last night, due to my stuffy nose (and perhaps a 4-year-old in my bed crunching Kashi) so I feel pretty crappy at work today. Just gotta make it through 2 more periods then I can go home and chill. I'm hoping I'll sleep better tonight.


Fran said...

Hurray for the Gators!! Sorry you have a cold. Could be hay fever from the Fall pollens coming in or does Phoenix have such a thing? Do you cut your own hair or does Cris cut it? I need a haircut bad but can't seem to get an appointment in Asheville when I have the money. I tried cutting my own but it wasn't such a good job cause I can't cut the back at all. I am reluctant to get your dad to cut it for fear he will cut too much. May have to give it a try...

Lynn said...

picturing you lying in bed with a red runny nose and a 4 year old next to you crunching kashi, well, that makes me laugh!