Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sofia's music

I recorded a little bit of Sofia practicing her instruments tonight. Sorry the footage is kind of dark. That's what you get with our camera. Camcorder would have been better, but it's easier to post video from my digital camera.

Star Wars Trumpet from Wayne Eury on Vimeo.
Sofia's band class is doing a cinema retrospective, and the brass section is working on part of the Star Wars music for their exam. Here's a preview!

The Entertainer from Wayne Eury on Vimeo.
This piece is a work in progress, but she's doing pretty well with it, so I figured it was time to share. Even though this piece is an obligatory rite of passage for every piano student, she honestly loves Scott Joplin. Maple Leaf Rag is her favorite, but she's getting her feet wet with this classic.


Fran said...

I always love it when you put your children's talents on video and share. Sofia is just doing great. I surely do miss the children and all that they do. Much love, Mom

Mary said...

Very talented. Thanks for sharing.

Lynn said...

What a talented and accomplished daughter you have. I think she plays very well and beautifully. I remember playing the Entertainer myself. I couldn't now though.
Way to go Sofia!

Bonnie and John said...

love to hear and see the talent in the family. She seems like a natural. I remember taking piano lessons, playing the clarinet in band, guitar lessons at school, drum lessons (no just kidding)but i just could never perfect any of them. Kinda like all my schooling. I always say I don't know alot about any one thing, but a little about alot of things. Cheers to all the musicians in the family.

Anonymous said...

Go Sophie go! These are fantastic! :) The Star Wars was especially exciting. You're the first person I know who plays the trumpet!