If I didn't have to get a ride to pick up my car it'd be different. That part really complicates things.
So we'll have to go home after swim class, negating the miles and time we could have saved by leaving for Benson straight from the pool. But at least we can have dinner at home instead of on the road. One last chance to clean out the fridge...
Here's this evening's route:
Our first destination is the KOA campground in Benson, Arizona. About 150 miles from our home in Phoenix.
Oh, as if getting only 3 hours of sleep isn't enough before a big trip...I had to go work out this morning. I'm taking a fitness class at the community college which requires me to log a certain number of hours in the gym. It's a relatively low number (17) due to limited summer session hours, but since I'm going to be gone for a significant chunk of the summer, I'm trying to squeeze in my 17 hours while I'm here. After today, my only chance will be the week I come back in July for the workshop training. You can only log a max of 2 hours a day, and the gym is only open Monday through Thursday. Which means the most I can log during the week I come back is 8 hours. As of yesterday my total was 8 hours. So to get 17, I had no choice: I had to go in this morning and work out for an hour.
Picture "Night of the Living Dead" set in a fitness center. That's how I felt.
Oh! And I'll sweeten the pot even more. When I crawled into bed at 2:30, Bella woke up and had trouble falling back asleep. So she kept me awake for about an hour, tossing and turning, talking, getting water, etc. So I didn't fall asleep until about 3:30, and my alarm went off at 5:30, so that I could be at the fitness center when it opened at 6, so that I could work out for an hour and be at work by 7:30. Nice!
Weird thing. I'm writing this at work, and after the crazy week (I had an evening class for the past 3 nights which I haven't even mentioned yet) and the crazy morning, here I sit basically killing 5 hours of time. It's like the eye of the hurricane, the calmness in the middle of the storm. Cristina is frantically taking care of last minute errrands and packing, and I'm sitting in an air conditioned room, deciding what movie we're going to watch.
One thing is for sure. I will sleep well tonight. As long as we're in Benson.
Hope the rest of the day goes smoothly. Looking forward to reading more as you go along on your summer journey.
I've experienced similar last minute packing before going on vacation. The night before we flew out to LA in 2006 I was up until 2am finishing a report I was late with and had to email out. I certainly had more than 2 hours sleep though, and I did not have to get up to go work out in the gym for an hour at 6am. That, my friend, is just nuts. But good going for getting through it!
Have a great time.
Wow! I hope you get more rest on this vacation than you've gotten getting ready for it. Bless it... Drive carefully and pray for no car trouble on the road. You don't need any more headaches than you have already endured. Sure do love you. Mom
Well if you think going on vacation will help you get more rest, then well I don't know, you may be in for a rude awakening. I don't think I have ever come back from vacation well rested, I have always said " I need to go back to work to get some rest". Can't wait to see you guys!
love you
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