Thursday, February 14, 2008

To my Valentine

Some people know a lot about wine

I hear Pinot Noir is the rage

But the one thing I know about wine (I’ve heard)

Is that it improves with age.

Which got me to thinking about my wife

And how we were young when we met

And how we’re both different 14 years later

We’re responsible adults, and yet,

It’s hard to remember the way that we were

When barely out of high school

When we spent our last dollars on CDs and movies

And talked through the night by the pool.

But now I can see the woman she’s become

She fascinates me more and more

She’s softer and quieter and wiser and still

Has the laugh and the spirit I adore.

And as much as I typically try to avoid

Dewy-eyed love poems that rhyme

I just had an urge to be a big sap

To praise my best love of all time.

Love you, honey!


Lynn said...

Your dewy-eyed love poem made me dewy-eyed. I'm glad you both have such a wonderful relationship. I used to write those kinds of poems myself. Here's to many many more years together.

Mary said...

You two are so lucky to have each other. I hope that your relationship continues to get stronger every year. By the way, I got a dewy-eyed as well.

Lynn said...

Mary, you got "a" dewy-eyed or you got dewy-eyed. If you got "a" dewy-eyed I would think that means you received a dewy-eyed card from your man.

Malone said...

Great poem. You're a poet and I didn't know 'et.

Fran Eury said...

What a great poem. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when C. saw it. How very sweet and sentimental. Great father, great husband. One might say a "chip off the ole block" as you had a pretty godd role model dad yourself. Love to all of the family. Mom

Bonnie and John said...

Ok ok yes I got dewy-eyed. You and Cris are very lucky to have each other. I even got a valentine, I guess I should go to my blog and tell all.
love you little brother!

A said...

Awwww...So Sweet.