Monday, February 11, 2008


Bella was playing in the bathroom this morning while I took my shower. I turned off the water and watched her play while I dried off. She had 3 dolls: a stuffed bear, a ratty old baby doll with no clothes, and a little stuffed Elmo. She was alternating between each "baby," wrapping them up in a little blanket, holding them and rocking them gently, nursing them, all the while talking to them in a quiet, reassuring voice. Occasionally she would speak for them, in a higher pitched voice, and then answer them in her Momma voice. She sat on the floor with her back turned to me, and her pajama pants were falling down a little, showing her "plumber's crack." The whole scene was just so sweet. I just wanted to watch it forever.

I did take far longer to dry off than I needed, because I knew when I stepped out, it would disrupt her world of play and kick start the regular daily routine.

I could have stood in that shower all day.


Mary said...

You are such a great father. Your kids are lucky to have a dad like you. I know all about enjoying the sweet moments. Unfortunately, it seems they get fewer and fewer over the years. I miss those innocent days so much. Enjoy every moment. Love you s'much.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mary is right, you are a wonderful dad and your kids are very fortunate to have you, and the sweet moments are definately get fewer and fewer, until they reach the age of adult hood, then it is another whole story. They have sweet moments only in a different way.
love you much

Anonymous said...

You moved me to tears with this blog. I know, I'm just a sentimental slob but capturing those precious moments is just so endearing. I miss you and your family sooooooo much! I do hope nothing prevents us from getting there in April. Love, mom

Wayne said...

Well, Mom, we all know you are a sentimental slob, but that's okay! But I agree that capturing those moments is important. That's one of the great things about blogging. I'm lousy at keeping a journal (except when traveling, and even then it takes great effort) but I can blog little things like this pretty easily, and not only record it for posterity but instantly share it with everyone. Plus, blogging helps me take notice of moments like this instead of just being oblivious, caught up in the rush of life.

Lynn said...

Tag, you are the sweetest, sweetest person and dad and brother.
Love ya!