Thursday, February 18, 2010

Out of Tribulation Comes Triumph!

Bella is over the chicken pox. She returned to school today. All said, it was a very manageable case. Not super-mild, but not super-bad either. Perhaps it took having the chicken pox to nudge Bella over the edge of readiness to ride a bike without training wheels. In the midst of the pox, she asked me to take the training wheels off. She practiced coasting in the driveway. The next day, she was getting the start-off and some wobbly pedaling down. Yesterday, she had nailed it. She's still perfecting the brakes, but she has completely mastered the start-off, pedaling, and steering. Now it's time to get her a bigger bike. As you can see in this video, hers is too small. I'm not sure if she'll get one for Ayyam-i-Ha, which is less than 2 weeks away. It might wait till her birthday in June. Although with us packing up to move, she might get a "bike coupon" for her birthday, redeemable in whatever city we move to.


Elena said...

Congrats to Bella! Very cool video too. Why was ling ling smacking a Vivi? ALSO is Vivi prego???

Fran said...

Wonderful, Bella!! Another yipee for progress. I am so glad she is over the CP. I kept meaning to call and get a status report but when I would think of it, it would be when your family were all asleep. These time zones are aggravating sometimes, huh?
Lin Ling and Cash are very photogenic. Looking forward to seeing them soon. IS vivi pregnant? I must go back and replay the movie and take notice of her tumtum.

Bonnie said...

Go Bella, Go Bella, Go Bella.....(have to do a little dance with that)...but where are her shoes? She is sssoooo cute, and I can't beleive how the dog and cats stay so close by. That is really cool. cant wait til you guys are closer and we can visit.
love you all!

Wayne said...

Ling Ling smacked Vivi because that's how they play. Obviously neither one of them was bothered much, since they continued to hang out and chill together.

I don't think Vivi is pregnant. She'd be showing a lot more, and her tummy feels like it always does.

Bella's shoes? She wanted to ride barefoot, and it was probably 72 degrees or so. So it's all good. Gotta love these Phoenix winters. :)

Lynn said...

That is one nice thing about Arizona and Florida. The streets are nice and level, no hills. Makes learning to ride much easier. She is doing great! Congratulations Bella!

Malone said...

Good job, Bella was really bookin'. Man, I forgot how nice and clean and pristine your street is. It is a perfect learning to ride a bike surface. And great weather to boot.