Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like a Scottish June

Today is just gorgeous.

It's bright and sunny, 51 degrees F (11 C), 19% humidity. It's warm enough for just a light jacket, and when the breeze blows, it's slightly cold and crisp. It makes me think of Scotland in June. It was still light jacket weather for us, but I remember Steve's brother Brandon bounding around in shorts and a polo shirt.

It's the kind of weather that just makes you feel comfortable in yourself. You just feel good.

Days like this are what everyone is waiting for during the long, hot summers here.

And to make it even better, this just happened: Lunchtime. I had packed myself a turkey and cheese sandwich on this great bread that Cristina bought at a bakery called "Simply Bread." As I walked to the lounge to get my sandwich, I was thinking how yummy it would be to have some Doritos with my sandwich. I kicked myself for not packing any, since we have a brand new bag at home. Fumbling in my pocket, I had enough coins for a bag from the vending machine. I was thinking, "I hate to spend 65 cents on a little bag of chips when I could have had a bunch from home for much cheaper. But it would be such a perfect complement to my sandwich." So I splurged. I put in the coins, pressed the number...

...and the bag got stuck in the machine!

So I gently banged the machine and, lo and behold, the machine gave me two bags!

Man, what a great day!


Mary said...

It sure is the simple things in life that make us happy. Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny. On a slightly different note, check my blog later for the scary ordeal your dad and I went thru tonight... Much love,

Lynn said...

I LOVE days like that. They don't happen too often so you appreciate them the more. What you doin eatin doritoes? They're so full of artificial color, flavor and hydrogenated oils right? I haven't checked the labels in a while.

Bonnie and John said...

I love doritoes!!!!!!!!

Malone said...

Free bag of chips...nice. :) BTW, it' snowing here right now, it's friggin' freezing! June is a long way off.

Burton Meahl said...

So life IS all that and a bag of chips!