Monday, December 21, 2009

Things to Do When You're Bored

Today was the first day of winter break, and the kids were bored. Bella literally lay on the kitchen floor, whining and crying about how bored she was. It was pathetic.

So I suggested we make a movie. This is what we came up with. It took us about three hours.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sofia's Piano Recital

Sofia had a piano recital today at school. Luckily Cristina was able to get off of work so she could be there (and tape it!). The name of the piece is The Great Smoky Mountains by David Carr Glover. I rarely hear Sofia practice piano at home anymore, so I was amazed at how accomplished she sounds! Guess she's getting enough practice in school every day and at her weekly private lesson (which she partially "pays" for by babysitting the piano teacher's children every week).

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Best for Babes

Feel free to click on the above ad to visit a site about one of my favorite topics...breastfeeding! Enjoy! (Full disclosure: we get a free magnet for posting their ad on my blog.)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Apologies to Liza Minelli

We were talking about the worst Christmas recordings of all time, and my ultimate, nails-on-the-chalkboard, can't-turn-the-radio-to-a-different-station-fast-enough winner is a certain version of Jingle Bells. I always thought it was Liza Minelli. Sofia has heard about this awful version for a while, and from sheer curiosity wants to hear it. So I looked for it on YouTube, and found to my shock that it's not Liza at all! It's Barbara Streisand!

Sorry, Liza, to besmirch your reputation, and I write this post to clear your name.

It seems counterintuitive to post a song that I hate on my blog, but it's kind of like when you take a swig of spoiled milk and in describing how bad it is, you solicit others to taste it for their confirmation. (Hmm, I remember an SNL sketch about that...I'll have to look for it.)

Another Reason to Love Tebow

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Child Abuse Takes Many Forms

(Kudos on this Santa's real beard, though. Nice!
BTW, I don't know this child...just came across the pic on the web.)

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Perceptive Soul

Bella loves to sing. She goes to a school where singing is a part of the normal day, so it's no surprise that she often breaks out in song. Yesterday, we were returning home after shopping at Costco. Sitting at a red light, Bella started singing away in the back seat. I didn't think much of it, but then I listened to the words and a thought struck me. The particular traffic light we were stopped at was at the I-10 overpass and Baseline Road. Almost always, a homeless person stands at that corner, asking for help. We never give money to panhandlers, but sometimes we give them food. For example, there have been times when I picked up a pizza from Costco, and stuck a slice on a paper plate to give to the person standing there at that corner. Alex and I once saved a taco for the guy there after we got a bite to eat while running errands. If we have any fruit in the car, we'll slip the person an apple or a banana, or a bag of carrots. Whatever we have handy. Anyway, Bella wasn't consciously aware of where we were stopped. And no homeless person stood there that day. Fascinating, then, that this is the song she started singing:
There was a man who wandered Into the cold dark night. He had no cloak, no shoes, no bread Indeed, he had no light. O come, dear man, here's some bread for you It will keep you warm on this cold dark night.
Waldorf-people often refer to the Waldorf curriculum connecting to the child's soul. And I've kind of believed it. But kind of in the same way I believe a statement like "this school prepares students for college." Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But Bella's little song, spontaneously erupting at a location where someone needy has received help from us on many occasions, definitely gave me pause. And a few chill bumps too. By God, there might be something to this Waldorf thing after all! Cristina wasn't surprised when I told her about it. It made perfect sense to her. However, the song is from Michaelmas, which was back in September. So it's not even a song that she's been singing lately in school. Kind of freaky! I'm ashamed to admit it, because people who drive distracted with their cell phones are a pet peeve of mine, but I used my phone while driving to capture her song before she stopped singing it. The quality is very poor, but I just had to document it and my phone was all I had.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Arizona Middle School All-State Band Festival

Just got this email from Sofia's trumpet teacher:

I am pleased to inform you that Sofia has been selected to represent ASA in the Arizona Middle School All-State Band Festival. Her selection was a result of her hard work and high level of talent on the trumpet. ASA is very proud of having Sofia be a part of the band program, and we hope that Sofia can participate in the event.

The event takes place on Saturday, March 13th and it is an all day event. Basically, the All-State band members get together in the morning and have several rehearsals during the day, and have a concert on Saturday evening. It is an excellent way for Sofia to interact with other talented students from different areas of Arizona.

Please let me know ASAP if Sofia will be able to attend this event. Thank you again, and congratulations to Sofia and to the parents for supporting her musical endeavours.

Sleeping with update

Last night, Bella ran a fever. I had a headache, so I got ready for bed with the kids, intending to fall asleep with Bella. We went to bed early, about 6:15. As we snuggled into the covers, Cash joined us as he often does. First he crawled up in between Bella and me. Then he stepped up on to my chest and curled up. And then finally he stepped down and curled up on Bella. As he was doing that, I whispered to Bella, "Cash is lying on you!" And she whispered back, "I know! It must be because I'm almost 5 and a half. Right, Papa?"

Thanks, Cash. You rock.