Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Percy Jackson Trailer

As most of you know, Sofia has been a big fan of the Percy Jackson books ever since they came out. Cristina and I have read them too and liked them. The movie version of the first book is coming out in February. It's always a little scary when Hollywood makes a movie of your favorite book. You want to see it, but you also hope they don't blow it and make a crappy movie. Hollywood has the potential to sully the reputation of your book.

Luckily, everything we've seen so far looks like they've done a good job on the movie. The first regular trailer (there have been 2 teaser trailers) just came out. Take a look.

This is an exciting event for Sofia. I'm sure she'll see it several times. I've already offered to take her to it once, and then Cristina can take her to see it again. I've tried to think of a similar movie experience from my childhood, but none of the movies that I anticipated with such fan fervor had been books first. So as exciting as it was for me to see the Indiana Jones movies, or the Star Wars movies, the Percy Jackson movies are a whole other level for Sofia. She's been immersed in the Percy Jackson world for years now, has re-read all five books countless times. It's pretty special.


Elena said...

That looks cool!
I might have to read those books. :}

Fran said...

I read part of the first book. Maybe the movie will stir me up to read more since books always have more detail than movies....

Lynn said...

This is how we felt about the Harry Potter movies when they came out. Percy Jackson is the new Harry Potter (sort of).