Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bella's Kilt

When my friend Steve and his partner Laura came to visit from Scotland 2 years ago, they brought Bella a kilt. For a while it was too big, and then we kind of forgot about it. About a week ago, Bella found it and wanted to wear it. I had to look up "kilt pins" online to know where to put the pin. I think I got it right. And even though it's labeled as "2 year," it fits just right (according to Wikipedia, the kilt should come to the middle of the knee cap, or as much as an inch above it...does that sound right, Steve?). She wore it for about 15 minutes and then complained that it was itchy (it's wool). But at least I got some pictures.

And yes, this was before her haircut.

1 comment:

Fran said...

How adorable. I have always loved kilts. She looks so cute in it. Not to worry about her hair. It will grow back so fast you will soon forget it was ever cut.