Monday, November 19, 2007

Time to change

Last week, we got a notice from our health insurance company that our premiums are going up $100 a month. The same week, we got a notice from the same health insurance company that some blood work Cristina had gotten done (to the tune of $600) was "under review" and we needed to give them some further information before they could process the claim further.

Meanwhile, we had received Michael Moore's Sicko in the mail and had yet to watch it. Last night, we finally watched it.

We need universal health care in the United States.

It is crazy, infuriating, and embarrassing what we deal with here in terms of health care. I knew it was bad, but the movie really brought it home. It's an excellent film, too. Accessible, very funny at times, and very moving. I hope everyone who reads my blog will do me the favor of at least renting the film.

There is a bill for universal health care that is gaining strength. Think about this: we've spent almost a trillion dollars on the war in Iraq. It will cost about 100 billion a year to give every American free health care. If we can spend the money to fight a war, we can spend the money to keep our citizens healthy. And it's so much more than just keeping healthy. Peoples' lives get destroyed by medical bills in this country. Some people can't get needed procedures because they can't afford them. People go bankrupt because they have accidents or illness. Our system is sick and inhumane.

See the movie. That's the least you can do. But if you are willing to do a little more, write your representatives and ask them to co-sponsor this bill, H.R. 676. Don't know who your representatives are? Well, then you're like most Americans (including me). But Michael Moore's website makes it very easy for us.

Click here to see who your representatives are and whether or not they already support H.R. 676. If you want to write them, there are links so that you can easily send each representative a note, either asking them to co-sponsor the bill or thanking them for supporting it.

And click here to fill out a simple petition that will be sent to your specific Senators and district Representative. There's a place to write a few comments, but even if you just send it blank, it will help.

Today, with the Internet, it is so easy to write your representatives. Remember the old days, when you had to find their addresses in the front of the phone book (assuming it was recent enough to still be valid) and then hand write or type your letter, and then address an envelope, put a stamp on it, and stick it in the mail? What is our excuse now for not writing? It costs nothing and can be done, literally, in less than 5 minutes. We're willing to spend hundreds of dollars a month for insurance premiums but not a few minutes to achieve something better?

Why do we put up with this crap?

Even in a great democracy such as ours, people are controlled by fear and hopelessness. That is exactly what our current health care system creates. Fear and demoralization keep people from voting, which is why we have such a low voter turn-out in supposedly the greatest democracy in the world.

And to the health care professionals in my family who may be reading this...please see the film. It does not denigrate your profession. In fact, it will hopefully make you just as fired up as I am.

I want a better system for my kids. I shouldn't have to plan a move to Costa Rica to seek medical treatment if a catastrophic illness happens in my family. We can do better.


Burton Meahl said...

More analysis on this:

Mary said...

I totally agree that our health care system sucks. I have not seen the movie yet. Not sure I can at this time, i need my job and I am afraid that if I watch it I may want to quit or something. Also, I see the effects of bad or no health insurance way too regularly. I will consider your other suggestions though. Love ya

Wayne said...

Good site, Burt. Thanks for that. I like the "15 steps to fixing the system." Good food for thought.

Fran Eury said...

I did not get notified to see your blog but I found it through bookmarks. I need toget your e-mail with the quick link like others get.