Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The New Cats

Cristina was at the vet's office last week to pick something up and she saw a flyer for 2 free cats. One of the employees at the vet's office, Charley, just got married and it turns out her husband is allergic to cats. So she's looking for a home for them. They are about 4 years old, house broken, great with dogs, fixed, full shots,...the whole works. She thinks they are brother and sister. They were found together about 2 years ago, either lost or abandoned and, if I'm remembering the story correctly, someone turned them in to the vet's office. Charley wound up taking them home and would have kept them if her new husband wasn't allergic (they didn't know till he moved in).

We had thought about getting two cats this time around anyway. Since we go away for long periods of time, it would be nice for there to be 2 cats to keep each other company. I'm sure Coco went a little stir crazy by himself when we'd leave for 6 weeks. We figured we'd probably get a couple of cats from the humane society, but that would still cost at least a hundred dollars a piece. And these were free. Hmm...

What made this seem like destiny is that Charley also has 2 French bulldogs. So these cats are completely used to that breed of dog. That boded well.

We went to see them last Friday and we brought them home.

There names are Ling Ling (the girl) and Cash (the boy). We liked the names and decided not to change them. Besides, if we had to give up a pet, it would be painful to know that his/her name was going to be changed. Charley teared up a little when we loaded them into our van, and when I told her we were keeping the names, I sensed that that made her feel better.

Here's the kids letting them out of their carriers for the first time in our living room.

Ling Ling

She supposedly comes when you call her name in a high pitch

Cash (named after Johnny Cash) likes sleeping in the garage

Actually, he likes sleeping just about anywhere


Fran Eury said...

How neat. They are such pretty cats. You are so lucky to have been able to get them. Enjoy. We look forward to seeing them in the spring (assuming we get to come).

Mary said...

Man, I wish we were ready for a cat. Mentally we are but financially we are not. Oh well, yours are great. I hope they will enjoy you as much as you will enjoy them.

Lynn said...

Cats are nice. I'm glad you have a new family of them. Evan just got another cat, too. He and Stefanie found a box with 4 kittens in it left out in the cold and two were dead. They took the other two and gave the male to someone else and kept the female. So now he has two unspayed female cats yikes! I have offered to pay for the one to get spayed if he would just take her to the clinic, but he hasn't taken me up on it yet.
I'm glad yours were already all taken care of in that way.
I like pictures of cats. They are more interesting than dogs usually.

Burton Meahl said...

Free is always great and the disposition sounds perfect. Good luck!

Perhaps Cash would object to that last photo... :-D