Monday, December 13, 2010

Our New Cat Tree


WNC mountain gal said...

Oh, that Ling Ling! She's such a character. Great shots of her and the kids. Hi, Alex and Bella! Are you two enjoying the cat tree, too. It is fun to watch our kitties exploring. They do love catnip, don't they? Mary now has a tree, too! We are going to make another for our bedroom. Both our cats sleep on their tree (not at the same time, of course).

bonnie said...

that was so funny, she looked so relaxed after her catnip jaunt! gotta love those kitties!

Lynn said...

Cute! Here is the word I am supposed to type in for verfication --"lifin"

I thought it was funny because it is like laughin' and sort of like Lynn or Laughin Lynn "lifin"

Excuse me, I had too much catnip just now...

Malone said...

Man, that was really handy that there was that tree growing through your floor like that. Good job with the carpet!

i Manul said...
