Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sofia's Spring Piano Recitals

The backlog of videos I've been meaning to post continues...

Sofia had her Spring duet piano recital on her birthday, during school. I took the day off of work and my parents were visiting, so the three of us got to be there. There weren't very many people in the audience, but that allowed me to get a good shot. The second recital (same song) is the ASA 6th, 7th, and 8th grade honors piano recital. It took place in the evening and was very well-attended. Thus, not as good of a shot. But the audio is the important thing anyway.


Fran said...

Both recitals were just lovely. So glad I could be there for the first one.

Bonnie and John said...

Ohhh that brings back memories of my piano playing days. However, Sofia is by far better than I ever thought about being! Way to go, Sofie, keep up the good work!