Monday, July 14 - Ichetucknee Springs
We packed a picnic lunch and drove to the north end of the river. At the midpoint, we ate lunch (BLTs) and then Elena and Brendan left (Brendan had an appointment). The rest of us continued on down the river. Overall, we got a little too much sun, but the water felt great and it was a fun day.
Thursday, July 17 - Drive to NC
We stopped in Valdosta and got our annual family picture taken at Portrait Innovations. Then we made it to Macon for lunch. We were attempting to eat at an old fashioned lunch counter place we read about in a book called Roadfood, but it was closed. We settled for "White Lightning BBQ." Tasty.
Made it to my parents' house in Canton around 8 and had a late dinner with my parents and Lynn.
Sunday, July 20 - My Birthday
Dad, Lynn, Alex, and I went shopping for birthday stuff. At the farmer's market, I bought a box of beefsteak tomatoes and a basket of fresh peaches. Man, I miss fresh tomatoes that are actually red on the inside.
I wanted chicken wings for my birthday dinner. Lynn and Evan came over, as well as Beth, Gabe, and Aunt Anne. We had some other stuff, but the wings were the star of the show (for me). My dad has a deep fryer, so I was able to make them the best way they can be made (although not the healthiest...but chicken wings aren't supposed to be health food). They were borderline perfect.
Monday, July 21 - A Date with my Wife
Sofia went to Dollywood with Mary and Sara. Bonnie took Alex and Bella for the day, so Cristina and I were free for the afternoon. We went to Amazing Savings (a little grocery store that has a lot of discounted, organic grocery items) and then went to the movie theater that Evan works at (he's a manager at Beaucatcher Cinemas). We were in between shows, so after a tour of the projection booth for old time's sake, we watched the last half of Wanted. Then we watched Get Smart. Even though I had seen it already, I thought Cristina would enjoy. Evan's theater is a relatively small one, so there weren't many choices. We enjoyed the movie.
Tuesday, July 22 - Looking Glass Falls
We met the Beaudets at Looking Glass Falls near Brevard. We played around in and near the water (too cold for my liking). Alex went in all the way and swam to the falls with Brian and Forest. We had lunch at a little picnic site and then explored another little creek that had a high rock ledge for jumping into the water. Alex made a few jumps before we loaded up and moved on. We were going to go to Sliding Rock, but it was closed due to lightning in the area. We settled for an hour at a place called "Cradle of Forestry," which was kind of like a museum. The Beaudets followed us back to Canton where we made a big bowl of California Tuna Toss for dinner.
Wednesday, July 23 - Guitar Hero
After breakfast, we played Guitar Hero on the Wii. It was more fun than I epected. I even got Cristina to play it. Here she's playing "Barricuda."
Thursday, July 24 - Health Adventure
That afternoon, we met Tina Beaudet and her kids at "The Health Adventure," a science museum exploring the human body. They had a traveling exhibit about how toys work. I particularly liked seeing what the inside of an etch-a-sketch looked like. They also had a jack-in-the-box with a video camera inside, so you could see in close-up detail what was going on when you cranked the little crank.
Friday, July 25 - My Nephew's Baby
Drove down to Landrum, South Carolina to visit with Andy and Jessica. Andy is my sister Bonnie's oldest son. Andy and Jessica just had their second baby a week ago, the day after we arrived in North Carolina. He's a cutie.
After our visit, we went to Bonnie and John's house for dinner.
Saturday, July 26 - Final Potluck Get-Together
Roll call: Wayne, Cristina, Sofia, Alex, Bella, my mom and dad, Mary, Jimmy, Patrick, Sara, Carmel, Aunt Anne, Beth, Gabe, Lynn, Hunter, and Chase. Food was plentiful and tasty. After breakfast, Alex found a bird on the back porch. It was alive, but was not moving. We thought it had maybe gotten too wet (it had rained all morning) so we put it in an old bird cage and kept an eye on it. Eventually it became more active, so we let it go. It flew off into the trees. Nice.
Very nice summary of the weeks adventures. Time flies when you are having fun.
Darn it, for some reason I had it in my head your birthday was the 21st. Sorry man. Nice trip. I miss chicken wings.
You forgot to mention that your date night concluded with pizza and salad at my house and we watched the first half of the movie "Across the Universe" before exchanging kids back.
I sure have enjoyed your visit here.
Oh, and you'll probably remember all sorts of other things to go back and add to your blog like the blackberry picking several mornings, and roasting marshmallows and helping mom and dad hang pictures and mirrors and such.....
Nice picture of the family... I mean mine. ;) And yours, of course. It was nice spending the day with you guys at Looking Glass Falls and Pisgah National Forest. You missed out on some cold water the likes of which only seals and polar bears can attest to.
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