Monday, July 7, 2008

Flight to Phoenix

Saturday, the 5th, we did a bunch of thrift store shopping. Or I should say Cristina, Jarue, and Sofia did a lot of thrift store shopping. Since I'm flying back to Phoenix on Sunday, it was the perfect chance to take stuff back on a plane instead of having to haul it in the van to NC and then back to Phoenix. And I'm all for not loading up the van any more than it already is.

Some old family friends, Millie and Martha, came to dinner. It was nice to see them. After dinner, the kids did some more sparklers and those little things you throw to make popping noises. After the two "M's" left, we got the kids to bed and Cristina and Jarue started packing. I tried to get a little sleep, since I would have to leave for the airport at 3 am, but I had drank too much caffeine at dinner, so I was wired.

I got to the airport a little after 5 am. The flight was uneventful. I slept a little, but it wasn't very solid sleep. Once I got home, I spent the rest of the day relaxing. I didn't want to sleep all day because then I wouldn't sleep enough at night, so I watched a couple of movies and made myself some dinner.

I went to bed around 8 and slept for nearly 10 hours.


Fran said...

Did you sleep solid for 10 hors or did you awaken and then go back to sleep? Man, I wish I could sleep 6 hours straight . I usually can squeeze in 6-8 eventually but it means having to go back to sleep 2-3 times. Going to a sleep disorder clinic today to prepare for having a sleep study done. Love, Mom

Lynn said...

I am happy to sleep 3 hours before waking. I wake several times every night and never sleep more than 8 hours even on a late day. I would love to go for 5 hours without waking up. I remember the first time I did that with each child after they were born and feeling how nice it was when they weren't waking to nurse every 2-3 hours. I should have a sleep study done too, but can't afford it I imagine. No insurance.