Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Words of Wisdom

I've been jotting down little bits and pieces of self-advice, words to live by. I thought I'd post a few. If you have any of your own, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

There is no such thing as perfection. But that doesn’t mean that we should stop trying. It’s a slippery slope, though. Striving for perfection, while knowing that it can never really be reached, is healthy. Yearning for perfection and feeling bad because you don’t reach it is destructive.

If you don’t like all the sex and violence on TV, you have the power to change it. It’s called the on/off button. There is one truth in television: they will produce what people will watch. If people only tuned in to shows without sex and violence, believe me…that’s all that would be on the air.

Customer service employees never deserve to be yelled at. Remember that we customers don’t always have the whole story. Also remember that all customer service employees have a manager. If the employee has erred, talk to the manager. Even then, though, be civil. If you’re prone to blowing your top in public, acknowledge that you’ve got the problem, not them.

People are not meant to live in the same place all their lives. You know that expression “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?” Ever experienced that feeling that things just seem better, or more appealing, somewhere else? I think the urge to go somewhere else is instinctive. There’s always an exception to the rule, and most people suppress the instinct, but I think somewhere deep down it’s in all of us. Ever been at a museum and they’re theorizing about why a certain group of ancient people left their homes or disappeared? They always have the same theories. The river dried up. The food source disappeared. The winter was too cold. But maybe they just wanted a change of scenery!

Don’t get angry at people who walk really slowly through a crosswalk, forcing drivers to wait. Have you ever been about to turn at an intersection, and waited for a person who was crossing the street, only for the person to walk intentionally slow, even holding up traffic? Sometimes they don’t even have a “walk” sign when they’re crossing. Sometimes they slow down even more when they realize a car is waiting. I used to get really bothered by this. We all know the point they’re trying to make: I hurry for no one because I am a slave to no one. But I realize now that anyone whose psyche is so injured that they feel compelled to make that kind of point in the path of a vehicle that weighs several thousand pounds should be pitied, not detested.

There are some foods that should be enjoyed, even if they are not healthy. Life is too short to eat fat free sour cream. God made chocolate delicious for a reason. We should, however, take full responsibility for our health and practice moderation. Movie theater popcorn every day is foolish. But occasional movie theater popcorn feeds the soul.

Angry people are usually just scared of something. No one likes a mean person, but if you understand that most angry or mean people are that way because they are afraid, it might be easier to avoid getting angry back at them. Look at the animal world for confirmation of this. I was once accosted by an angry squirrel on the balcony of our apartment. I couldn’t figure out what had gotten into this crazy squirrel. Without fully understanding, I hated that squirrel for jumping out of my potted fern and scaring me, and then hanging around, chattering nosily at me. But when I found the baby squirrels inside the plant pot, I realized that the squirrel wasn’t crazy or angry or rabid. She was just scared that I was going to kill her babies. We don’t always have the whole picture. In fact, we rarely do. Remember that before reacting.

It is not difficult to make a good cup of coffee. “Barrista” is just a fancy word to make you feel better about paying too much for a cup of coffee that you could have made equally well at home.


Mary said...

You have such a way of expressing yourself. Thanks for helping us look at things in a more openminded manner. I sure do miss you.

Fran Eury said...

Fantastic words of wisdom. Love it. Don't forget, however, that there are some older folks who walk across a street slowly but may be thinking, "Gee, I am glad I can still walk across the street, even though I must walk slower than I'd like."

Anonymous said...

How did you get so smart? You must have taken after me. No just kidding, you pointed out some good things to think about. I sometimes do that when I realize me life is spinning around and some what out of control. (or so it seems). Have there been some situations in your life that have caused you to reflect on these thoughts? I mean you haven't yelled at any customer service employees or run over anybody for walking slow in the cross walk. Poor squirrel, I think I would do the same thing if I thought someone was going to hurt my babies. I have always said "say or do to me what you want, but don't mess with my kids, or I will hurt you" I guess it's just parental instinct. love ya brother!

Wayne said...

I haven't run over anyone, but I did used to get really annoyed when people would walk slow like that. And I don't mean old people, mom! When I'm crossing the road, and I realize a car is waiting for me, I put a little spring in my step, give them the "little wave," at least show a little bit of effort that I'm working with them and appreciate their patience. But when someone is walking along and you start to turn and then stop fpr them, and you see them look at you and then purposefully slow down for those last 10 steps in front of your vehicle, it's almost like a challenge or something! The psychology of it is really weird, which is why I got to analyzing it.

As for the customer service thing, I saw a guy lose his temper and start yelling at an employee at IKEA. It was ridiculous. "Retail rage" maybe? Sofia and I both saw it. That's what made me write that one. He had had to wait longer than he wanted and thought that the employee wasn't doing anything important and he just lost it. She tried to explain what she had been doing, but he was uncommunicative by then. He really made a scene. That's what I mean by not knowing the whole story.

Fran Eury said...

Are you calling your mother old? Guess you'd be right somewhat...anyways, I walk slow because I have to and I know exactly what you are talking about. I have seen it, too, and I don't care for it either.

Burton Meahl said...

How about this:

Stop circling the parking lot for a prime parking space - First of all, we all can use the exercise by parking further from the entrance. Secondly, what a time-waster. It is amazing to watch how long someone will sit in a parking aisle to get the next available parking spot so they can save 25 yards on their walk. Drive down to the end, park and walk back. Take notice of how others are still looking and you are already almost inside. Wayne and I had enough circling the parking lot when we lived in the dorm at UF! The difference there was you either walked 100 yards from your parking space (for waiting) or 1/2 a mile (sometimes more!) if you use my philosophy.

Wayne said...

That's a good one, Burt. I totally endorse that. It's somewhat akin to the lunacy of driving miles and miles out of your way to a gas station selling gas a few cents cheaper. The 35 cents you save on that tank of gas is negated by the gas you used to get there!

d-'-'k said...