Monday, October 29, 2007

Homecoming Week

Last week was Homecoming week for South Mountain High School, where I work. Though I had intended on being more active here than my previous school (e.g. going to a football game now and then) I have yet to go to any event outside of school hours. Even though I live only 5 minutes away, it's still too darned enticing to stay home with the family. So I didn't go to the Homecoming game last Friday night.

I am, however, going to a different homecoming.

My alma mater, the University of Florida.

Yes. It's Homecoming week for UF, and I am returning to Gainesville with my son to experience all that is Homecoming. We fly to Orlando on Thursday, where we'll be picked up by my sister-in-law. Friday at noon is the Homecoming parade, which Alex hasn't seen in 4 years. Friday night we're going to Gator Growl, and then Saturday afternoon we'll watch the Gators take on Vanderbilt. Already have tickets. We fly home on Monday.

So I've got a short week this week. I need to tie up loose ends here at school (clean my desk off, make sub plans, etc.), pack, and oh yeah, do a little Halloween just before we leave. Alex and I are going to be vampires (his idea). We're going ghoulish this year instead of fanciful. Sofia and Bella will be ghosts. Pics to come.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and
Alex. I'm sure you will both have a real blast. Have some Maui Teriyaki for me OK? Love you, M

Malone said...

Cool. Have a great trip bud.