5th grade:
Didn't sign. We weren't in the same homeroom in 5th grade. I didn't become good friends with Steve until 6th grade.
6th grade:
Hi. It's Steve.
(Something tells me he meant to write more but didn't get around to it. His is the only signing on the whole page)
7th grade:
Steve here. You've been a good friend this year. It's a pitty we didn't have any classes (except reach) together. Hopefully we'll have more next year. I won't be leaving until the end of June so we can call each other and maybe meet somewhere. Well, gota go. Good luck in 8th.
Your very good friend, Steve Malone
Class of
(I'm not sure, but the "90 Class of" might be a reference to a mistake he made on a rubber stamp we made in a typesetting class. Typesetting class? Hey, it was the 80's, when they still taught vocational skills.)
8th grade:
Hi Wayne.
You've been a great friend this year. I've got lots of room so I'll write a lot. It's 2 bad. We won't B in the same homerooms next year. (Sniff). I'll C'ya' in the French Club though. (Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.) I got a 71 on my algebra test! I'm in trouble. Well, have a great summer, my people can call your people and we'll get together.
Your good buddy, Steve
"90" rules!
9th grade:
Finally, a yearbook with a contents larger than the 2 covers put together. It's about damn time too. (Excuse my language) Well, thank god the year's over. We had some great times this year, such as...(1) Just kidding. Wow, I just saw Mr. Wilkinson smile! A 1st for me. By the way, I probably failed that quiz. Oh, well. Shit, the bell's about to ring. Are you doing anything this year? I won't be leaving until July. Well, I think this racketball thing on Friday's is a good idea. It sucks that we only had 3 classes together. At least we all had lunch together. Hopefully we'll have more together in 87-88. Doesn't black ink go well w/this page! When you're a senior you'll look back on this and say "What quiz." Well, I don't give a shit. You know Wayne, you have some great qualities. (1) You're cute (2) Your so smart. (3) You have great taste in clothes. No I'm just kidding. You're really an asshole. Well, I'll see over the summer a lot and I'll see you next year in school. Bye for now,
Yur good buddy, Steve

In the summer of 1987, Steve's family went back to Scotland, and due to some visa issues, were stuck there for most of our sophomore year. They finally made it back, greencards in hand, before the end of the school year.
10th grade:
Wayne, pal ol' buddy,
What be up? You know, writing in your yearbook makes me feel like I'm still in Scotland, writing you a letter! Ahh! That scares me. I'm back now though,...I am. Right, I'm gonna' try and fill up this whole page o.k. Normally right now I'd say something about how much it sucked this year because I wasn't here. Well, it did. At least we kept in touch though. (SNIFF) Next year will be great though. Of course first there's,...the Summer! We'll do lots this vacation. We could even play some,...dare I say,...racketball! (Leave some space on this page, o.k.) It's different this year, there aren't that many memories to reminice on but I'll squeeze these couple of months for all they're worth: Do you remember when I got back we talked on the phonr for ages, not having to worry about the costs of long distance calls? And remember when I went to your algebra class and we made an ass out of Cindy. Well, that's about it really. They'll be a lot more to remember next year though. We'd better get more classes together next year or I'll be totally mother fuckin' pissed off! I mean it. And I'd better get someone I know at lunch, preferably you guys. I couldn't stand sitting with Jimmy again! Well, I'm running out of space so I'd better go. (Typical excuse.) Talk to ya' later bud'.
Your best pal, Steve a.k.a. Skirty

11th grade:
God, I've got a rather large headache right now. I need some more sleep. But I digress. Ah yes, the yearbooks have arrived once more and the signing times have come. Wayne, buddy, we've broken some major barriers this year. Probably the most important were the concerts we went to, what a brake through. We'll definitely have to do that more. I remember that one day when we did something that was definitely "yearbook material." I'm talking of that day when we skipped almost a complete journalism field trip, and had a hell of a time doing it. You remember, I know you do. I think the biggest thing this year was our band though. That goes w/out saying. The Skulk shall live forever, (here, here.) We started out with one guitar and a piece of shit amp, zero experience and talent, just raw potential. And now look what we've grown to. Damn we're good. I'm trying to think of other big things that happened this year. I guess Prom was a pretty big deal, even though it was pure hell trying to get a date. I vow that next year will be different. I still had a great time though. Dana's party was cool too. Yes, our Junior year has been quite good and I greatly look forward to our Senior one. Hell, maybe you'll even have a job at the Crown! I think you will. Well, I'm going to try to sum up this year in a few words over on the margin there, so here goes. See you later pal,
Your best buddy, Steve

12th grade:
I'd thought I'd sign horizontally, or vertically (I dunno', you know what I mean) for a change, break up the monotoness passages of script. Well, well, well, well, well, well, well. I just want you to know Wayne, now let me say this, I... I... --sob-- I just want to say that, ugh. Your a really good friend. I mean that. Seriously though, friends don't get much better than you man, even though you are an asshole sometimes, but not all the time. It seems that you and I have done everything together but sex! I think we'll stay away from that though. Hell, I just want to say fuck engineering and fuck University of Aberdeen and just become a fuckin' rock n' roll star, man. I can feel it in my blood. Unfortunately though in this shitty world that we live in we have to think realistically. Well, we'll have some fun in our new band, we'll finally record some things we can be proud of. It's about time. We're pretty good, damn it. Brian seems like the chance we've been waiting for, he's got--equipment--. Concerts this year were even better than last year; Tom, Paul, Margo, Stevie...Stevie B., and uh, well, Depeche Mode. That was funny when Mrs. Albritton told you today that you could go because you "weren't listening anyway." What a bitch, man. What a fucking cunt! God, what a total pain in the ass she was. Jesus! Calculus is over, almost, fuck it. Here comes summer. We'll finally have time to create, record, and maybe do some gigs. Oh yeah, how can I forget to mention externship at Ed's place. All I want to know is, where's our fucking checks for a hundred smackeroonies? I wanna' know. So long bud.
Steve "Sharky"
Great stuff :). Geez, sorry about all that bad language readers. Oh the shame.
There are some things I remember, but quite a lot I don't. I'll save that discussion for a separate email...
...okay, one question. Who WERE the Dancing Shit Heads? I have no recollection of that.
I think that was one of our possible band names, wasn't it? I think we decided it was a bit too vulgar, which is why "The Ess Heads" was another possibility. I think. That sounds the most familiar. Ring a bell?
Ah yes, that sounds familiar. Which makes Amy's comment all the funnier. I think you're right about the rubber stamp too.
Memories! I go through my old yearbooks every once in a while too. Funny reading. If I didn't hate copy typing I might type some of mine....
It seems like yesterday when all my boys were all having a great time growing up. I did feel like a second mom for the 5 of you. Steve, you are a great guy. I am so pleased that you have been a close part of our son's life. Sure wish I could see you, too. :)
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