As you probably know, Cristina is already in Costa Rica with the kids. I'm finishing up summer school, and I fly out Thursday evening. We all come back together on July 28. The plan was for our usual dog-sitter to keep Vivien, our dog, for us while we're gone. I emailed her today to confirm drop-off plans and discovered that there was a miscommunication between her and Cristina. To make a long story short...drum roll please...she can't keep Vivien for us. And I now have 48 hours to make different arrangements.
Boarding her somewhere is cost-prohibitive. A month of boarding would run close to $1000. (Ridiculous...that's like a mortgage payment!)
It's incredibly difficult to get someone to take on a dog for a month (for free). So what I'm hoping is that I can get some volunteers to take Vivien for chunks of time. The longer the better, but at this point, I'll take any and all help. Before you put much thought into it, let me describe the dog. And I'll be brutally honest!
She's a French bulldog, small even for her breed, 2 years old, unfixed. I can't promise that she won't go into heat during July. Probably not, but maybe. She has a very sweet disposition. Extremely gentle and loving. She likes children. She likes anyone, especially if you're willing to pet her. She doesn't growl or jump all over you. She doesn't even lick. She's very low-energy, calm and sedate. Since she has the squished bulldog face, she can't cool herself as well as other dogs (i.e. she's not an outdoor Arizona-in-the-summer dog). She snores, but don't we all? She is relatively housebroken. I say relatively because she'll go to the back door when she needs to go the bathroom, but if no one is around to let her out, she might resort to going in the house. But she can easily sleep all night without using the bathroom. She's had all her shots and I would supply all her food. She doesn't get any kind of medications or anything. She does not even have to be walked. She just needs a yard to go to the bathroom in. She loves other dogs and she's always gotten along well with cats (we have 2). She is not a barker or yapper, but she might give an obligatory bark or two if she hears a dog on TV or if the doorbell rings. I think that's about it.
If you're not in the Phoenix area, please say a prayer or put positive thoughts out into the universe for us. And if you're local and think you can take Vivien for any chunk of time, please contact me ASAP. Right now we need June 25 - July 16 covered (22 days).
1 comment:
Wish we weren't so far away. You know we would take care of Vivian. We love her. Wonder what it would cost to ship her? Don't know if she would be taken good cre of by the airlines. We would even drive to Nashville to get her if Southwest has a good pet plan.
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