Monday, October 12, 2009

New Post

I'm tired.

I'm tired of seeing my last post.

But I'm also too tired to write a proper new one.

So here's a brief post, to at least freshen my blog a bit.

Got back from Payson last night after three days of camping with other families from Alex's third grade class. Good times. Didn't see any rattlesnakes this time. Cristina saw a dead one, but that doesn't count. Got a little too cold at night for everyone's liking, but overall the weather was nice. Good crisp campfire weather.

DVR'd the Florida-LSU game and avoided hearing anything about it until I could finally watch it Sunday night. Very satisfying win, but it got me to bed late, and I've been doing my best zombie impersonation today at work. Especially hard to get back into the swing of things after having a week off for Fall break.

And now I have to go to volleyball practice, which I'm looking forward to about as much as a trip to the DMV.

Our garden is sprouting nicely. Need to post some pics of it.

And Vivien needs a bath. She's camping dirty.


Fran said...

You do have a great way in writing to reflect your mood fully. We saw the Florida game live and loved it!. I thought Tebow did a great job and spared his head, ummm, fairly well. Concussions have ruined the lives of many great football players, so the research is reporting.

Lynn said...

Good to hear from you. I haven't been camping in a long time. Don't really miss it to tell the truth. Maybe if I can ever get over the not sleeping part of camping....