Monday, December 1, 2008

What's your secret fantasy job?

I think we all have times where, even though we may ultimately like our jobs, we have a down day or week and we think about another job that we envy. Deep in some secret place, we yearn to have that job. Maybe it's just a fleeting moment of yearning. A grass is always greener moment, to be sure. Usually its a job that carries the perception of being far less stressful. Kind of like when you watch your cat sleeping and think "Oh, to be a cat and just lie around sleeping all day."

Often these secret fantasy jobs can be quite funny. A friend of mine's husband is a chef. Big time Japanese chef in Scottsdale. He won the Beard award a few years ago, which for chefs, is the equivalent of winning an Oscar. His secret fantasy job, though, is to work at Panda Express.

A few years ago, my secret fantasy job was to drive a UPS truck.

So what's your secret fantasy job?


Mary said...

I often joke at work, on those really stressful days, that I would really love to just be a greeter at Wal-Mart. "Welcome to Wal-Mart, here's a cart, have a sticker!!!" Very low stress...maybe. I once discussed my thoughts with the greeter at Wal-Mart (we are quite close, since I shop there allllll the time) she was not quite in agreement. Anyway, there are times when I would love to work in a coffee shop. You have given me food for thought...HMMMMMM.

Anonymous said...

My secret fantasy job is to be one of those fortune tellers that travels with the fair. :)

Bonnie and John said...

My secret fantasy job is to be a stripper. No just kidding, I would really love to just be a stay at home grandma!!!!! won't pay much, but the rewards would be priceless!!!!

Fran said...

Let's see... I think my secret fantasy job might be to be a tour guide (along with your dad) for a travel agency that goes all over the world. I would learn so much more about how other cultures differ from ours and what other countries look like. I have been around enough via visit or TV travel channel that I know there's a lot of beauty out there and I would just love to be able to see it in person and tell others all about it as well. My trips would be paid for, naturally, by the travel agency I work for.

Lynn said...

I know someone who drives a UPS truck and he had over 200 stops to make yesterday. It's that time of year. My fantasy dream job would be volunteering and doing art as I am inspired. Does that count?

Burton Meahl said...

"Secret fantasy job" sort of gives me the thought of something that is not reasonable given current circumstances. So if I may alter it a bit to "dream job" -- something I am constantly working on (still a long shot though) is to become a sports writer. I'd like to think that the pay to be a dedicated sports writer would pay the bills. I currently have 12 years of tenure with the company I write for so maybe it will amount to something the NEXT time I apply to CBS. Too bad my day job is in IT!