Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ling Ling and Vivien

This was going on while I was making breakfast. Luckily I was able to record some of it. Ling Ling is obviously playing, because if she wasn't enjoying herself, she would have gone through the cat door. Coco would have never hung around for this. He'd have been out that door in a flash.

It's amazing how quiet they were.

Now if I could only get the kids to play that quietly...


Fran Eury said...

That's about the cutest thing I have seen in a long while. I just can't wait to see them. Pray we can make it in April.

Malone said...

Very cute...and so considerate not making any noise!

Anonymous said...

Coco would have run like the wind. That is very cute btw!

Lynn said...

Those are some cute critters. I love their names. Ling Ling is the kitty, right? You should make up a story about Ling Ling and Vivien!