Monday, August 31, 2009

What the...?

Does anyone remember these?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A little this, a little that

Been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd throw up a few bits of tid.

I was in the South Mountain post office Monday and witnessed two postal workers going a little, well, postal. One worker, Frank, was angry at the other one, we'll call her Marge, for letting an old man cut in line to make a passport appointment. The thing is, Frank had told the man he could cut in line since he just needed to make an appointment and Marge still had her book open. But then the old man proceeded to ask Marge a bunch of questions, which took a lot longer than just making an appointment. So as Marge was answering the old man's questions, Frank kept yelling "He needs to get in line! If he's got questions, he needs to wait in line!" Marge did her best to ignore Frank and tend to the old man, but finally she told Frank that he had bad people skills and was rude. "Shut your mouth," Frank spat, seething. This wasn't just playful banter between two old co-workers. They were clearly angry at each other. It was a bit awkward to say the least. One more reminder of why I avoid the post office whenever possible.

In completely unrelated news, we will hopefully be painting our downstairs during fall break in October. Those familiar with our blue and green walls will have to get used to some version of off-white, as that color is better for selling. And if you didn't know we were selling our house, now you do. Hope to have it on the market by January. Anybody want to make an offer? :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009